Bauhaus Evening | Aspen’s Characters: Herbert Bayer

For the final Bauhaus Evening event of the 2019 anniversary season, Aspen Historical Society hosted a special “Aspen’s Characters” program on August 13, 2019 featuring Herbert Bayer “in his own words.” History scholar and professional actor Mike Monroney shared Herbert’s stories in a researched museum theatre character performance for a crowd of about 50 at the Limelight Hotel. The performance explored Bayer’s background at the Bauhaus and his relationship to and fascination with Aspen, CO. Audience questions were first directed to “Herbert” and then once he was “out of character,” Mike answered questions as the actor and historian. The program was a well-attended finale to an incredible few months of celebratory events.

If you missed out that’s OK – the AHS exhibit “bayer & bauhaus: how design shaped aspen” is on display at the Wheeler/Stallard Museum through spring 2020.